Hey, everyone! I hope you've been enjoying reading my posts. Today, I'm going to share an artwork that I've been meaning to make since quite a while.
As a teenager, I was always fascinated at the idea of riding a bike. So after a lot of cribbing and crying, my dad taught me. And so started, one of the coolest phases of my life.
Now, I usually drive around but, I was a biker girl once. So this is more like a throwback painting for the times I've ridden my old yet awesome bike.
Coming back to art, it took me three days to finish this acrylic painting. I tried a lot of new things in this artwork and it worked out great for me. The cigarette stub, the hair and the jacket are a few of my favorite things of this painting. But the highlight for me, is the attitude that the artwork portrays. It is blunt, crisp and clear.
So there it is, yet another pop art piece, just to commemorate my ride. And so, with this painting, I want to give a shout out to all biker girls and ladies who love their rides. In conclusion, I would just like to share a quote I firmly believe in,
"Four wheels moves the body. Two wheels moves the soul."
Please share your thoughts in the form of comments and let me know if someone out there wants to own today's painting. Yes, it's on sale! Those of you interested, please mail me at swapni9@gmail.com